Thursday, November 7, 2013

Kerwin Jean-Baptiste                                                                                                    November 6.2013

Flame Test

Purpose: To demonstrate and classify the characteristics of a chemical reaction.

Describe the difference between a physical and chemical change.

Data Table:

Chemical Compounds:
Elements Involved:
Barium Chloride
Ba Yellow/Green
Calcium Chloride
Lithium Chloride
Potassium Chloride
Sodium Chloride
 Na Regular fire
Strontium Chloride
 SrRed Pinkish
(Aluminium foil)
yellow/orange w/ red 

Analysis Questions:

1.) What indicators (at least 3) determine that a chemical change (or reaction) has occurred?~ Color change, odor, & heat are few indicators of a chemical change2.) What is emitted when a chemical change takes place in the flame test?~Color change is emitted when a chemical change takes place a in flame test3.) What group, from the periodic table, do these elements exist?~Alkaline Earth Metal, Alkali Metals, Non Metal, Other Metals4.) Do any two elements give the same spectrum of color? Explain why?~Yes Na+Ca has the same orange color because they are a mix of alkali metal and alkaline earth metals5.) Recall what a catalyst is in a chemical reaction.  What was the catalyst in these reactions?~Catalyst is something to cause reaction; The heat is the catalyst 

Blog Requirements:
1.) Please write up the blog according the set up given in class (and in this presentation). *Answer all the questions listed in the section.
2.) One video of someone performing a flame test (no more than 1 minute).
3.) One picture explaining the colors given off by certain elements.
4.) Completely answer the critical thinking question with examples and explanations. *Include sources.

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